If you are here, we presume you heard a new station on your AM radio dial somewhere in Corvallis, Oregon. Operations began March 18, 2009. Though Corvallis' current AM radio choices are good for those who enjoy OPB and conservative talk, the fact remains we have an empty AM dial. Our purpose is to provide a unique choice of nationally syndicated talk radio programming rarely available on the AM dial. We feel this unique choice is particularly suited to Corvallis' diverse and thoughtful citizenry.
Techie stuff:
Ok well it's more like a match than a torch right now! But, what you are hearing is the output of an FCC certified legal AM radio transmitter that has been calibrated to 100mW of output power. As a common reference, a cheap backpacking headlamp would emit about 1 watt of light energy. So, we are transmitting 1/10th of 1 watt of RF (radio frequency) energy!
from the transmitter manufacturer:
"Our AM transmitter was certified under Part 15.219 which is not a radiation limitation but is a power and antenna length limitation. The power limit is .1 watt and the antenna length limit is 3 meters. There is no range or height limit for a Part 15.219 transmitter. With this allowed combination much greater ranges are possible, though it requires tune up and setting the power by a competent technician. Generally you can’t buy a Part 15.219 certified transmitter bubble packed at the department store. Because our transmitter has a removable antenna and adjustable power, instruction to be installed by competent personal was a condition of certification. Rule 15.215 (a) clarifies this: “(a) The regulations in Sections 15.217-15.255 provide alternatives to the general radiated emission limits for intentional radiators operating in specified frequency bands. Unless otherwise stated, there are no restrictions as to the types of operation permitted under these sections.”
"Generally the Spirit of the Part 15 law seems to be not to cause interference to a licensed station. We follow FCC law. Of course you should follow FCC law and fully cooperate with the FCC.
Here is subpart 15.219:”Section 15.219 Operation in the band 510 - 1705 kHz.(a) The total input power to the final radio frequency stage (exclusive of filament or heaterpower) shall not exceed 100 milliwatts.(b) The total length of the transmission line, antenna and ground lead (if used) shall not exceed 3meters.(c) All emissions below 510 kHz or above 1705 kHz shall be attenuated at least 20 dB below the level of the unmodulated carrier. Determination of compliance with the 20 dB attenuation specification may be based on measurements at the intentional radiator's antenna output terminal unless the intentional radiator uses a permanently attached antenna, in which case compliance shall be demonstrated by measuring the radiated emissions.”
If you are experiencing 'interference' in an electronic device from our transmission please let us know through the email in this blog so that we can help you. It is not our intention to cause any interference to electronic devices in the area or any other licensed radio stations.
I just picked up your station by accident yesterday but lost range as I drove away. I was listening to an exciting news article and I hope you get the station up and running on the web soon so I can continue to follow your topics. Thanks